Yarn count calculation formula
Yarn count calculation formula:
The yarn is how much finer or how much coarser that defines the count of that yarn . Another definition is , Number of hanks in one pound (lb) where 1 hank = 840 yards .
Mathematically ,
Yarn count =.......................................
L W'
Yarn count = .......... x ..............
L' w
If a yarn cone given to you to find out the yarn count then we can use above formula to get the actual yarn count . For this purpose we need a wrap reel machine of 54 inch(1.5 yards ) circumference . Then we need to run the reel 80 round that means we get (1.5 yards x 80)=120 yards . Then we weight this sample in gram and got 2.05 gram .
Here, L=Sample length = suppose it is 120 yards
L'=840 yards
W= Sample weight=suppose it is 2.05 gram
W'=1 lb = 453.56 gram
Now we put the value in above formula and get ,
120 453.56
Yarn count =............. x .....................
840 2.05
=32 S/1