What do you mean by count ?

What do you mean by count

Hello, viewers hope you are well everybody. Today in this blog I am going to discuss clear yarn count with you. 

The count is the numerical value of yarn. Actually, count denotes the fineness and thickness of the yarn whether the yarn is how much thicker or how much thinner. 

Count: No. of hanks in 1 pound is called that yarns count.
 Here, hank= 840 yards
             1 pound = 453.56 grams
   Yarn count can be classified into two systems.

1. Direct system
2. Indirect system

1 . Direct count = (w÷w')÷(L÷L')
2. Indirect count=(L÷L')÷(W÷W')

If we want to know or find out the actual count of the Cotton yarn then we need to do as below:
Generally, we express cotton count as hanks/pound. Hanks/pound means the number of hanks in cotton yarn of 1 pound. The number of hanks may vary. If we test some samples and get results as 8, 9, 10 hanks in every 1 pound then we can call its count 8, 9, 10.  

If we want to know or find out the actual count of the jute yarn then we need to do as below:
Generally, we express jute count as pound/spindle. 1lb/spindle means the weight of jute yarn of 14400 yards is 1 pound. The weight may vary. If we test some sample and get results as 8, 9, 10 in every 14400 yards then we can call its count 8, 9 , 10.  
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