Physical & chemical properties of Nylon-6 fiber

 Physical & chemical properties of Nylon-6 fiber 

The physical and chemical properties of the nylon-6 fiber are given below: 

Physical properties: 

1. The molecular structure is Polyamide fiber.

2. Microscopic features: Microscopic features are as below: 

     a) We may get this fiber as a filament or staple.

b)The cross-section is round and it may be of various shapes. 

c)The main color is white.

d) Due to the reflection of light it can look very bright, and we also can make it dull. 

3. Tenacity/ strength: The expression unit is gram/denier. This fiber tenacity is 4.6-5.8 grams/denier. For high tenacity, it can be up to 9 grams/denier. 

4. Stretch and elasticity: This fiber has good recovery and elongation. Nylon-6 fiber can be stretched up to 30% and if we left it after a 2% extension then it can be recovered up to 100%. 

5. Relative density: 1.14

6. Moisture regain ability: 3.5-5

7. Abrasion resistance: It is very nice. 

8. Heat capacity: 150°C.

9. Melting point: 215°C.

10. Resiliency: Good resiliency and good crease recovery quality. 

11. Lustureness: Bright to light.

12. Stability of volume: To keep its shape, a thermal process can be done. During thermal procedure without increasing temperature, it will be the same as in structure. 


Chemical properties of Nylon-6 fiber: 

The reaction of bleach: Chlorine and strong oxidizing bleaching agent can harm this fiber. But normal oxidizing bleaching agents never harm nylon-6 fiber. 

The reaction of acid: In strong acid fiber will be very weak and weak acid never harm it. 

The reaction of alkali: In alkali, it never be damaged. This fiber has good tolerability in alkali. 

Reaction in organic Solvent: Nylon-6 fiber can protect dry cleaning solvent. Spot can be removed by reaction of reagent.

Dye ability: Nylon-6 fiber can be dyed with direct dye, acid dye, vat dye, disperse dye, basic dye, metalized dye, etc.

Sunlight and heat: This fiber has good sunlight protection ability. But If we keep this fiber long time in sunlight then it can be lost its strength.  

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