How to calculate the smv of a garment

How to calculate the smv of a garment

SMV calculation is the most important thing in the garments industry. It helps to meet the target of the garments industry. It is the process of time study and measuring standard minutes and then calculating SMV. The calculation of SMV is actually done by the Industrial Engineer. In every factory, we need to calculate SMV.

SMV= standard minute value

This is the most important term for textile job holders in the apparel manufacturing industry.

SMV is a term that is broadly used in garment manufacturing industries. Smv is defined as the time which is necessary and confirmed to perform a job satisfactorily.

Suppose that, for making a garments product the below assumption is there.

Observed time: 25 minutes

Efficiency rating of operator = 80%

Considering allowance= 10%

So basic time =25 x 80%

=20 minutes

Allowance = 20 x 10%

= 2 minutes

So here smv will be = Basic time + allowance

= 20+2 minutes

=22 minutes

The standard minute value can be different factory the Versace factory because of their manpower skill. The factories that have skilled operators can perform well and can achieve their target easily. There are some internal and external factors of SMV. Smv also is different also in the same factories due to some reasons like types of apparel, apparel size, types of fabrics, design of the apparel, process difficulties, easiness, machinery and technology types, use of work aid, and some more. The additional time added can be different like 5%, 10%, etc. There are many factories are benefited more from this.   

In Bangladesh, we can see the development of the factories after using these and have achieved good results in our textile sector to earn currency more over time.

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