How to make design and sketch

 What is design and sketch: 

If we want to make like as a garment that a buyer gives us as a sample to develop or to do production then we need to do design and sketch. If we do these garments on white paper. before making a sketch on white paper we need to select a design. Patter will be very nice as design and sketch. Design can be made by hand and by the pattern on a white paper by pencil or pen or by color to do same as then this design is called as design and sketch. To make sample garments we need first to draw the garments computer. To make a new design, there needs to be an implementation of designer thinking. But we can make a good design by an efficient designer. Pattern making from a design is not so easy but a good and efficient designer can make it easier. The designer makes some design on a computer and find out the best of them and then they develop the garments and send them to the buyer for approval. After approval, they make a bulk production pattern.


How to invent a new design:

It is very necessary to select a design to sketch the garments.  To do a new design a designer must follow three things.

a)   Own thinking and experiment

b)   Copy a design that was done before

c)    Follow a design and add something to that



After selecting a design we need to draw the design on a paper. Making design by hand is time-consuming so we can make the design easily by a computer which will save our time. If we do design by computer there will get some advantages like as use of color, check and stripe effect, Very fast design changing facility, design picture can take a print out. Also, we can see the design from various angles on a computer.

After designing we need to start from basic blocks to make a garment. A basic block means a sample pattern that has the shape of a human body but does not define a specific design. For men and women, we can get some basic blocks. Basic block available in the market and sometimes factories make it for own.

We place the basic block on a white thick paper and make a sketch with a pencil and then we move it from the drawing paper and then we add some allowance to its measurement like seam allowance, trimming allowance, special design, and fold. Finally, we get a complete and modified pattern. This pattern is called a working pattern. Working pattern component made by computer and a make marker by pattern. As per the marker cutting, a man cut the fabric and the parts are sewn by an efficient sewing operator. The employee engaged in this work must have good experience in this field.    

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