Draw and design by a computer

 Draw and design by a computer:

Drawing and design are very important in textile. If we want to make a design or marker with a computer then first we need to enter the production patterns into computer memory. We can follow the scanning process to enter into computer memory. For scanning, we need to set the full volume of the pattern and the computer also needs to keep the full length and width of the pattern.  But on a computer screen, it shows as a small piece of paper. For a garment how many patterns are needed all must be in computer memory. As per grade roll, we will get the all-size pattern. Computer designers generally use screens, keyboards, and line pencils use to make markers.  After that marker maker gives the computer some commands to set the width of the marker and how many pieces need, check matching and all hazards will be faced by the computer automatically. 

If the computer makes a marker selfly then it is called an automatic marker. To make automatic market we need to give some command to the computer from previously. In this process, we can get good markers but it is big time-consuming because computers use permutation and combination processes to make markers. 

When a marker maker makes a marker with the help of a computer then it is called interactive marker making. In this process, a marker maker takes patterns on the screen and looks very small in size but actually, they are not small. On the computer screen, there are two horizontal lines that denote the width of the marker. The left side of the parallel line of the marker width which describes the starting of the marker. Below the parallel lines, there are some data available that denotes various information about markers like marker length, width, and efficiency. This information is changed due to a change in marker length and other parameters. 

The interactive process needs a data pen and one tablet which helps to set patterns. Tablet represents in the display unit.  The data pen has a pointer which is pressure sensitive. By pressing on the tablet by pen and replacing patterns on the screen and also can be moved by the cursor.    

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