Average color dyeing process

  Average color  dyeing process :

There are some types of shade in textile dyeing . They are light , medium , dark and Extra deep shade . 

Normally 0-2% is light , Above 2% to below 4% is medium and above 4% to below 8% dark and above 8% is extra deep color . All color without white and black color are named as average color . Factory to factory varies dyeing and finishing process due to different brand chemical use . However I am going to discuss here about average color dyeing process in below by a flow chart which will help you all to understand easily . Here material liquor ratio is 1:7 . 

Process flow chart: 

1. Grey fabric loading 

2. Loading hot at 60°C x 10 minutes and drain the water 

3. Scouring at 100°C x 60 minutes 

4. Temperature down at 70°C and rinse for 5 minutes and drain 

5.10 minutes wash and drain 

6. Temperature rise up to 90°C which called as hot at 90°C for 10 minutes 

7. Wash for 5 minutes and drain 

8.Use Acetic acid use for neutralization at 60°C x 10 minutes 

9.Drain the water 

10. Use Enzyme at 57°C x 60 minutes Ph 4.5 is ok 

11. Temperature rise up to 80°C x 10 Minutes then temperature down to70°C and drain 

12. We need to wash at 50°C 

13. Need to use leveling agent at PH 5.5-6 at 50°C as quantity 0.5g/litre

14.Then color dosing at 50°C for 30 minutes dosing time and run time 10 minutes 

15.Then salt dosing in 10 minutes 

16.After salt dosing run time is 10 minutes 

17.Then need to use soda for 30 minutes 

18. The actual dyeing process is running 

19.After dyeing complete  need rinse for 7 minutes and drain 

20. At 60°C temperature need to wash for 3 times 

21. At 90°C need hot wash for 10 minutes 

22. Acid use 0.5 g/L

23.Fixing agent and softener need to use 

24. Again use acid 0.1 g/L

25. Check shade in previous process 

26. Unload the fabric 

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