Testing laboratory flow chart

  What is the testing lab flow chart ?

Testing lab flow chart: 

Sample receive with proper information 


Need to check sample appearance and required information 


After receiving log the sample register then create an unique id 


Put ID in fabric then Imaging by digital camera 


Test selection based on buyer requirement


Take prepared the sample with proper identification


Prepared test sample distributed to concern lab team


If required condition then prepared sample will be conditioned


Do the condition of sample at 20±2°C temperature and 65±4% Relative humidity


Do the test as per appropriate machine , standard time ,appropriate consumables, auxiliaries or other environment


After completion of test mount the test specimen on mounting card


Evaluate the test specimen in dark room by grey scale and other scale


Take prepared test result on standard report and put with buyer requirement 


 If  ok deliver the report to the concern department and if not ok then inform to concern department to take corrective action plan 

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