1. Need to keep clean machine area.

2. The way of near control panel must keep free.

3. Only the machine operator can run machine. No helper can run machine .

4. Before switching machine must be check machine surroundings to check all important check points like electric line, oil line, air line, needle detector, fabrics detector, fabrics light, positive feeder all check carefully. 

5. Before creeling must be check job card/ knit card about yarn count, brand , lot no. everything must be check. 

6. There is always dust in knitting floor so need to wear earplug and musk.

7. Fabrics roll must be 25-30 kg maximum otherwise roller may displace and may occure accident. 

8. If any kind of complexity then need to discuss with maintenance.

9. After cutting roll need to give the roll to quality check table for quality check.

10. Machine must be stop before cleaning.

11. After completing shift need to clean around of the machine and handover to other shift operator.

12. Always keep in mid that first need quality then give production.

13. Always keep in mind that safety is first. 

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