Physical properties of cellulose acetate fiber

Physical properties of cellulose acetate fiber:

The fabrics which are made of cellulose acetate fabric quality depend on the yarn type. That means it depends on whether the yarn is a filament, textured, or spun yarn and also depends on the construction of the fabric. 

Here in this blog, I am going to discuss the physical properties of cellulose acetate fiber physical properties. 

1. Tenacity (Gram/denier): This is the strength of the fiber. This value range is 0.9-1.4. Acetate is not a strong fiber. This fiber is softer and weak than any other textile fiber. This fiber abrasion resistance is too poor. 

2. Viscosity: 1.32

3. Elasticity: Cellulose acetate rayon is more elastic than other types of rayon. 

4. Extension at break: Extension at break is best. 

5. Moisture regain%: Moisture regain is 60%. Acetate rayon fiber does have not much moisture regain capacity. But the fabric made with acetate rayon keeps moisture on its surface and does not give moisture into the fiber so it can dry easily. For bathing, it is very good. Swimming products are much good by this fiber. This type of fabric not be damaged by salt or air. Curtain for bathrooms and umbrella fabric can be made by this. We can also use it for our rain court. 

6. Resiliency: This fabric has the most wrinkle resistance than any other rayon. If we make a crease on acetate fabric and then if we keep it free for sometimes then it can automatically remove the crease. 

7. Abrasion resistance: This type of fiber has not much good abrasion resistance. This is a mostly soft fabric. For that reason, we can not use this fiber for valuable garments. 

8. Luster: This type of fiber is bright and semi-bright. 

9. Melting point: This fiber melting point is 230°C.

10. Effect on light: This fiber has more light-prevention power than cotton and rayon. But if we keep it for long period then acetate fiber degrades its strength. 

11. Heat conductivity: This fiber's heat conductivity is less than viscose rayon. For that reason it is hot. Acetate fiber is mostly used to make the interlining fabric of a garment. 

12. Colour: It can be white or colorless. 


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