Every machine and material have its operational procedure like all other textile machine and material. So for dyeing machine also have the sop of operation. So let's see the standard operating procedure of the dyeing machine.

1. All the external points of the machine-like steam Valve, Water valve, and pressure valve need to check properly. 

2. If found any kind of problem need to inform directly to dyeing head and at a time the maintenance department.

3. Before starting the machine need to be sure that water, air, and electricity support is enough.

4. Then only we can start the machine

5. After giving power if comes any kind of alarm the need to inform the maintenance department as soon as possible. 

6. Water level, additional tank level, and machine temperature need to check, and if get any kinds of problems need to inform the maintenance department.

7. Need to check the filter.

8. After confirming the above parameter we can load the fabric into the machine.

9. After loading fabric must be attached lead lock properly. 

10. Then continue the program as per batch. 

11. Dyeing running state if come any kind of alarm need the information to the maintenance department.

12. During dyeing operation a dyeing operator must be beside the machine.

13. During fabric unload fabric if the fabric jam in the machine then needs to stop the unloading motor. Otherwise unloading motor and gearbox will be damaged. 

14. Machine area should be clean. 

15. Always keep in mind that safety is first. 


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