Spandex fibers history

 Spandex fiber history:

In previous times, only rubber was used as the elastic fiber in textiles. To make yarn from rubber it needed to be cut as sheets. After that process development help to dissolve rubber and then make yarn. Then it was used as a core inside the cotton or other types of yarn. The yarn was named latex. This yarn was limited.  These are heavyweight, and if we dye the fabric then the fabric does not absorb dyes well. If also it absorbs dyes but if we stretch then it also showed the fiber color. In 1947 Herbarlien patent corp. produced a yarn that had elasticity and they named Helenca. But this yarn also does not have enough elasticity because it was not able to make crimp, coil, and curve. Also, there was not enough elasticity. It was 0.25  to 0.50 % more elastic than rubber. 

In 1947 Dupont company produced one kind of elastomeric yarn as per their invention. They named this fiber K. For some experiments they started to sell this yarn in 1958. After that, they got a good result and changed the K fiber name and again named Lycra. Then spandex fiber was produced in huge production as Lycra trademark in 1962. 

Day by day it was increased the demand for spandex fiber and Globe Manufacturing company take a plan to produce spandex yarn and produced Glaspan spandex in 1963. This company produced two kinds of spandex, one is Glaspan and another is Clearspan. Both are good in quality.

 Now in this era, the maximum use of spandex is increasing day by day. In our country, all textile industries use spandex fiber. Some buyers always like to use spandex in their products due to product requirements from their customers. So they do like that order.  

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