Roving frame / Speed frame / Fly frame/Simplex machine

 Roving frame / Speed frame / Fly frame 

We may have known to roving frame. Another name for the roving frame is speed frame or fly frame. It is also called simplex. Before spinning and after drawing which machine helps to produce roving from sliver is called a Simplex/ Roving frame. Drawing sliver is thicker than it is impossible to make yarn by drafting. So for that reason, we need to make the sliver small and smooth and we use the machine between Drawing and spinning. This roving has a small no. of twist. 

The objectives of the roving frame: 

1. The product from the draw frame that we got from the roving frame needs to reduce weight per unit length and make roving.

2. Need to give some twist that the fiber never opens from roving. 

3. To easily transfer it needs to wind in a bobbin. 

The necessity of a simplex machine : 

The sliver that we get from the draw frame is not possible to use in the ring frame. We use a machine between the draw frame and ring frame is called Simplex. A simplex machine is most necessary to make yarn. The necessity of a simplex machine is given below: 

1. The sliver that we get from the draw frame is comparatively thicker from which if we want to make yarn it will be irregular yarn. 

2. If we give more drafts in sliver then it will be more thick and thin. 

3. Sliver has no twist so it will lose more. 

4. Sliver hank and yarn count have a greater difference than it is not possible to give draft in spinning. 

Operating sequence of a roving frame: 

Generally, 4 kinds of work are completed in a roving frame: 

1. Drafting

2. Twisting

3. Winding 

4. Building

Elaborately discussion: 

1. Drafting: The sliver that we get from the draw frame needs to reduce its weight per unit length which means we make a lower count of roving. In the simplex machine, the drafting zone has 3 pairs of rollers three over three drafting zone. 

2. Twisting: The fiber never is lost from roving so for this purpose it is necessary to give some twist to the roving. When we wind roving in the bobbin. 

3. Winding: Pairs of the roller from the front of the machine we get the roving and give some twist and wind it on the bobbin at a certain speed. It is a very easy to handle bobbin easily. 

4. Building: Here work building motion to make a particular and uniform roving. Building motion is reversing, traversing, and lifting motion that makes a shape like a tapper and we can easily use it. 

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