5 Classification of combing

Classification of combing

Based degree of combing and the different factions of the combing machine we can divide combing into five types. 

1. Scratch combing

2. Half combing 

3. Full combing

4. Ordinary combing

5. Double combing 

Elaborately discussion is given below : 

1. Scratch combing: To develop the yarn quality we need to remove noil from the yarn. If we reduce 5% noil then we call it scratch combing. This combing is not more combing.  

2. Half combing: In this, we need to remove 9% noil from the fiber. We reduce half noil than the standard of full combing. 

3. Full combing: In full combing, we need to reduce more than 18% noil from the fiber. But in our country 15-16% noil reduced from noil. 

4. Ordinary combing: In ordinary combing 10-18% noil needs to be removed. 

5. Double combing: In the case of double combing we do combing two times. For the first time, we need to remove 18% noil, and then the second time needs to reduce 7% noil. 

Noil: By the combing machine we generally out small fiber, neps, and impurities from fiber. These small fibers are arranged to keep separate by a brush and warp on a roller and the product is called noil. Generally, noil can be up to 15%. 

Factors influence the amount of noil: The amount of noil depends on the below matter.

1. Quality of the final yarn 

2. Short fiber% in the raw material.

3. Cost of yarn

Here is elaborately discussed on it: 

1. Quality of the final yarn: Generally the amount of noil depends on the quality of the fiber. The more noil the better quality of the yarn but in some cases, we can never get good quality yarn. 

2. Short fiber percentage in the raw materials: In the raw material the more small fiber, the more amount of the noil. 

3. Cost of the yarn: If we use the combing process that means it is increasing the production cost. And during the combing process, if we increase the percentage of noil then it increases the price of the yarn. 


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