Sliver lap machine and Ribon lap machine

 Sliver lap machine 

We take Carding or drawing sliver and arrange parallel to do a lap. Sliver needs to place parallel side by side and give it to drafting and doubling to make as thin as like thin sheet lap. In this machine sometimes we use carded sliver instead of drawing sliver. After making a sliver lap need to give doubling and for doubling need a ribbon lap machine. 

The objectives of sliver lap machine is given below: 

1. Many slivers at a time need to place and need to give doubling and make lap.

2. To make fibers straight and parallel by drafting. 

3. To make lap as possible light that the needle can easily can enter. 

4. To remove the unevenness of carded sliver .

5. To reduce hook of fiber from sliver and make mini lap. 

Ribon lap machine : 

From sliver lap, machine product is sliver lap. It is necessary to make these sliver lap fibers more parallel and uniform. For this purpose need to use in ribbon lap machine. We set this ribbon lap to the combing machine in the conventional method. Ribbon lap weight per unit length is less than a sliver lap. To prepare for the next step need to warp it on the ribbon. 

The objectives of the ribbon lap machine: 

1. The production of the sliver lap machine needs to take 6-8 lap doubling to make ribbon lap.

2. To give drafting and doubling to lap.

3. To make fibers parallel.

4. To reduce the weight per unit length. 

5. To prepare a more uniform lap to hold by creel and for that reason need to wind on the ribbon. 

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