Purpose of super lap former and description of super lap former

 Purpose of  Super Lap Former: 

The purpose of the super lap former is given below.  

1. To make more uniform lap

2. Here we use drawing sliver so fibers are parallel and straight. 

3. Here use more drafting and doubling to make a lap. 

4. As like all others mini lap former super lap former also makes a mini lap. 

5. Super lap former production is more. 

6. From some sliver we make lap by doubling process.

Description of super lap former: 

Behind the super lap former there is some creel to arrange sliver to creeling. There is three creel arrangement with the machine by 90° angle. There are 10 pieces of sliver can on both sides of each creel. So, we need 60 slivers to need to make a mini lap. That means the doubling is 60:1. From sliver can the slivers are being advanced to front through creel, guide roller, and detecting roller. In the sliver feeding system ,there is autostop motion. That means if a sliver tears or finishes it then automatically the machine be stopped and signal light is on which helps to easily find out the broken sliver. From the first creel 10 slivers parallelly advance to the feed roller. After that other side 10 slivers be placed on the previous 10 slivers. As a result, before entering the drafting zone the sliver becomes a sheet. Same as another 2 creels also come 20 slivers and make as a sheet and which sheet go to the last end of the drafting zone. 

Drafting zone rollers are arranged as two over three processes and vertically arranged whereas one over two processes is for feed roller. Generally to control small fiber feed rollers are placed near the drafting zone. A Feed roller transfer sliver layer in drafting zone and makes fibers wide layer which go through the calender roller and on the feed table and go to the delivery side. The pair of calendar roller pres and make as thin sheet-like lap and last make it warp on Bobin and make ready to use in combing machine. 

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