Characteristics of Combed yarn

 Characteristics of Combed yarn

Combed yarn is one kind of good quality yarn. Every type of yarn has its quality and characteristics these types. In this blog today I am going to describe the characteristics of the combed yarn. 

1. Uniform yarn

2.  Strength of the yarn 

3. Cleanliness

4. Smoothness

5. Visual appearance

Elaborate discussion is as below:

1. Yarn uniformity: The sliver that is produced in the combing machine is used to make yarn by ring frames that are softer, even. Here short-term and long-term irregularity isn't present. Combed yarn is more uniform than carded yarn. 

Yarn type              Count                    (U%)

Carded                   30/1                     12.5

Combed                 30/1                      11.0

2. Strength of the yarn: Combed yarn has more strength than carded yarn. The combed yarn has more strength so it has not twist like carded yarn. As a result, ring-spinning frame production increase and reduce cost. Without these due to less count variation, we get good strength yarn. 

Yarn type              Count                    CSP(Count strength product

Carded                   60/1                            2100

Combed                 60/1                            2300

3. Cleanliness: Combed yarn is much clear than carded yarn. Combed yarn maximum looking is white like looking. We mainly clean the fiber in the blow room and carding, also after that there were some impurities there in the fiber. The combed yarn looks clean and white.

4. Smoothness: Combed yarn is comparatively soft than carded yarn. The combed yarn has less hairy or hairyless and looks shiny than carded yarn.

5. Visual appearance: Combed yarn is uniform yarn , more strength, Clean, etc. One customer can easily understand the 

When we makes fabrics in circular knitting machine or weaving machine by combed yarn the fabric quality be very higher than carded yarn and looks awesome. 

There are some process cost also reduce due to combed yarn use in knitted fabric. For example we can say that in combed yarn fabric we need not use enzyme more. 


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