The fibers that has the ability to make yarn by spinning process throught their general & chemical properties are called as textile fiber . 

Textile fibers Characteristics are as below : 

1. Fiber length 

2.Fiber fineness

3.Fiber strength 

4. Pliability 

5. Cohesiveness

6. Elasticity 


8. Resiliency .

Now come to elaborate discussion : 

1.Fiber Length : 

Textile fibers lengths are more than its radius . An average length of textile fibers are 5000 times than its radius . Generally diameter of long lengths fiber is necessary to be less . Long lengths fiber can spin more with its neighbouring fibers & thats results help to increase the strength of yarn . Artificial or man made fibers length are not fixed but natural fibers length are not more than man-made fiber . The fiber that has minimum length of 0.5 inch that can make yarn . 

2.Fiber fineness : 

Fiber should have good fineness . Finer fiber helps to produce strengthen yarn . If also the individual fiber strength is less than thick fiber but after making yarn its strength be more than thick yarn . In the yarn cross-section we will find more number of fiber if we use finer fiber . So we understood that finer fiber gives yarn strength more & thick fiber gives yarn strength less . In man-made fiber fineness depends on its producer . 

3.Strength : Strength is the important for textile fiber . Fiber length & fineness are not enough to make yarn but also need strength of fiber . Fibers strength is yarn strength . It should have drafting & spin ability .

4.Pliability/Flexibility : Textile fiber should have flexibility . Fiber flexibility should be more to make yarn . Only the flexible fibers are able to spin more . On the contrary fabrics flexibility depends on yarn flexibility . All kinds of fiber are more flexible in the wet state.

5. Cohesiveness : This is the rough & curling  place on the fibers surface that helps to make yarn strength . If fiber have no cohesiveness then during drafting & doubling it will not adjacent with another fiber & will slip from one fiber to another fiber that result will not help to make yarn . 

6. Elasticity : Elasticity is important for textile fiber . If  we apply force to textile fiber or yarn than it be long & after reducing loads it come to previous state is elasticity . This character affect fabrics also . 

7.Hygroskopicity: This is moisture absorbency from the environment. All kind of textile fiber has this quality . Before making or processing yarn we should know about the fibers moisture absorbency quality . It also helps to yarn be strength . 

8.Resiliency :This is another important quality of textile fiber that after folding or twisting it can be recover the prior state . 

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