Nylon fiber and its history

  Nylon fiber and its history : 

Nylon is the genetic name of nylon fiber . It is also called as polyamide fiber . By polymerization process completion of  Polyamide or amide is called nylon fiber which has at least 85% amide linkage directly attached with two aromatic ring . 

History of nylon : 

First of all we have a question that who made this fiber first. Dr. Wallace H. Carothers and his co-operator worked in E.I Du pont de nemours & Co. they invent first nylon fiber . They were started their experiment in 1928 and after a long time experiment finally in1935 successfully they invent this fiber . Then it was named 6.6 polymer . This 6.6 polymer was made by Hexamethylene di amine and adipic acid . In this polymer mixed chemicals has 6 carbon atom in every molecule .  So it is called as Nylon 6.6 . 

The word Nylon is not have any special word meaning . May be they choose this name due to easy to say. Nylon fiber structure has similarity  like as natural protein fiber like wool , silk , hair . Finally Du pont company sell their patent to another company and they also continue their experiment to develop more . 

Nylon invention process is not stopped here another concern are started their experiments also. In 1939 Germany I.G Ferben be capable of making Nylon 6. In this Nylon 6 has 6 carbon atom in Caprolectum polyamide . After that many more make their invention nylon as varieties like Russia make Nylon 7, Italy make Nylon 11, and Amrica make Nylon 4, 6, 8,10,12. 


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