Nylon 6 fiber production processes

 Nylon 6 fiber production process :

After completing some chemical reaction and process coal is transfered to complex chemical named Cyclohexanone Oxime . With this chemical added sulphuric acid and again produce Caprolectum .After that started polymerization from slow heat and filter it and help of pump take it to Polymerization chamber . Here by controlling heat and pressure  change caprolectum to super polymer . This melt polymer transfered to chips . Fenol , Benzene and Aniline are raw material of caprolectum . 

Production process : By the presence of Nickel (catalyst) and temperature 150°C-220°C and 25 atmospheric pressure benzene is hydrogenated into Cyclohexanol . Here happens another reaction Nytracil chloride and murcury power lamp helps to make cyclohexanone oxime from cyclohexanol . After that Cyclohexanone oxime react with sulphuric acid and produce Caprolactum . 

Polymerization : 

Need to take Caprolactum in an Autoclave and withis need Water , acetic acid as stabilizer and pigment . Autoclave temperature 220-240°C and pressure 12-25kg/Sq cm treat for 2-4 hours . After 2-4 hours need to release pressure to 0.1-0.5 atm pressure. Then need to increase temperature 250°-270°C and treat for 5-10 hours . After that increase pressure 1 atm. with nytrogen gas and keep up to 2-3 hours and get Nylon 6.

Polymer making for spinning : 

After polymerization that we get it has 8-10% monomer are reduced by hot wash and cold wash . Then dry it by hydroextraction . In drying vesel 100°C-120°C 20-50 hours need to dry . Then dried polymer are melt and and get clear homogenous mixture which ready to spinning . Here average spinning speed is 1000 meter / minute. 


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