Jute fiber are primarily be like a net . In which process this type of fiber be comber by pin roller to make them separate from on fiber to another which deform net like appearance that call as Jute carding .
Objectives of jute carding :
1. Various quality and various color jute can be mix up parallel.
2.Remove small length of jute fiber .
3.During batching that fiber are not possible to reduce or remove that can be remove in this process .
4.Open tuft fiber in single fiber .
5.To make sliver in certain length and per unit weight .
6. Make fiber clean , straight and parallel.
Types of Carding machine:
There are three types of carding machine are there in textile .
1.Teaser card
2. Breaker card
3.Finisher card
Based on cycling of cylinder , worker , stripper assembly we can classify in 4 kinds .
1.Up striker card
2.Down striker card
3.Half circular card
4.Full circular card
Description of Breaker card machine :
Generally in a breaker card machine is made of half circular down striker and two pair of worker and striper . In the feed side there are grooved feed roller ,sell , pin feed roller and in the delivery side there are doffer , drawing & drawing pressing roller and delivery roller are there. Two pair of worker stripper placed underside both side . Unpinned Tin cylinder are placed under worker and stripper to control sliver . In the delivery side drawing and drawing pressing roller after that a conductor and near this delivery roller are placed and at the end roll former are placed .
Based on feeding process breaker card are divided into two kinds :
1. Hand feed breaker card
2.Roll feed breaker card
In breaker card machine jute can be feed by two way -
1.By labour
2.Mechanically spreader roll feed
However we feed jute in machine , firstly we need to feed jut on sheet. If we feed jute by hand then here dolp weight is not under control .If we feed spreader roll then dolp weight can be control. In breaker card machine feed side there in the top side we see a clock which control dolp weight .
Breaker Card :
The input : Emulsified long reeds of jute
The output : Breaker carded sliver
Machine parts :
- Motor
- Motor shaft
- Feed roller
- Pin feed roller
- Shell
- A big Cylinder
- A pair of work
- A pair of Stripper
- A pair of tiny cylinder
- Doffer
- Drawing roller
- Drawing press roller
- Condenser
- Delivery roller
- Delivery press roller
- Roll former