As a language model, I can provide you with an overview of the potential yarn quality issues that may occur. However, I must clarify that the exact number of issues can vary depending on various factors such as the type of yarn, the manufacturing process, and the specific quality standards.

Yarn is a continuous strand of fibers used for knitting, weaving, or crocheting textiles. The quality of yarn is crucial for producing high-quality textiles, and any defects in the yarn can affect the final product's appearance, texture, and durability. Here are some of the potential yarn quality issues that may occur:

Knots: Knots are a common defect that occurs when two yarns are joined together. Knots can cause problems during the weaving or knitting process, and they can also affect the appearance and strength of the final product.

Tangles: Tangles occur when yarn is twisted or tangled during the manufacturing process or during storage. Tangles can cause problems during the weaving or knitting process, and they can also affect the appearance and texture of the final product.

Contamination: Contamination occurs when foreign materials such as dirt, oil, or other fibers are mixed with the yarn during the manufacturing process. Contamination can affect the quality and appearance of the final product, and it can also cause problems during the weaving or knitting process.

Shading: Shading occurs when the color of the yarn varies within a batch or between batches. Shading can affect the appearance of the final product, and it can also cause problems if the color variations are too noticeable.

Uneven thickness: Uneven thickness occurs when the yarn is thicker in some places and thinner in others. Uneven thickness can affect the appearance and texture of the final product, and it can also cause problems during the weaving or knitting process.

Pilling: Pilling occurs when the yarn fibers break and form small balls on the surface of the fabric. Pilling can affect the appearance and texture of the final product, and it can also cause problems if the balls are too noticeable.

Weakness: Weakness occurs when the yarn is not strong enough to withstand the tension of the weaving or knitting process. Weakness can cause the yarn to break during the manufacturing process or after the final product is completed.

Abrasion: Abrasion occurs when the yarn fibers wear down due to friction or rubbing. Abrasion can affect the durability and lifespan of the final product, and it can also cause problems if the fabric becomes thin or develops holes.

Shrinkage: Shrinkage occurs when the yarn fibers shrink during the manufacturing process or after the final product is completed. Shrinkage can cause problems if the final product does not fit properly or if it loses its shape after washing.

Color bleeding: Color bleeding occurs when the dye used to color the yarn bleeds or runs during washing or when exposed to moisture. Color bleeding can affect the appearance and quality of the final product, and it can also cause problems if the colors bleed onto other fabrics.

Odor: Odor occurs when the yarn develops an unpleasant smell due to the manufacturing process or storage conditions. Odor can affect the quality and appearance of the final product, and it can also cause problems if the smell is too strong or unpleasant.

Roughness: Roughness occurs when the yarn fibers are not smooth or soft, which can affect the texture and comfort of the final product. Roughness can also cause problems if the fabric irritates the skin or causes discomfort when worn.

In conclusion, yarn quality issues can vary in number and severity depending on various factors. Manufacturers need to follow strict quality control measures to ensure that the yarn meets the required standards and specifications. Yarn quality issues can affect the final product's appearance


The yarn test result is rejected for color due to major poly contamination per kg 3.68 pcs and white is rejected due to major thick & thin and yarn contamination available

The yarn test result was rejected for true black color due to major yarn patta and poly contamination in per kg 4.11 pcs  

The yarn test result is rejected for color due to major dead cotton and hairiness and white is rejected due to major thick & thin and yarn contamination in per kg 15.88 pcs

The yarn test result is rejected for white due to major thick-thin and neps and the color is rejected due to major thick-thin and excessive dead cotton

The yarn test result is considered ok for color and poly contamination per kg 2.25 pcs and white is rejected due to major yarn contamination per kg 4.44 pcs

After checking the Yarn test result is rejected for color due to major dead cotton, we have sent yds fabrics color for taking commercial approval from the merchant. and white is rejected due to major thick & thin and yarn contamination in per kg 4.38 pcs

The yarn test result is considered ok only for light color dark color is rejected due to major dead cotton and white is rejected due to major yarn contamination available

After rechecking Yarn test result is considered ok light and medium color and dark color is rejected due to major dead cotton and poly contamination per kg 3.33 pcs and white is rejected due to major yarn contamination per kg 6.77 pcs

The yarn test result is considered ok for color and poly contamination per kg 3.23 pcs and white is rejected due to major yarn contamination per kg 5.51 pcs

The yarn test result is considered ok for color and white is rejected due to major thick-thin and yarn contamination per kg 7 pcs

The yarn test result is considered ok only for color and white is rejected due to major yarn contamination per kg 8.0 pcs

After 2nd time re check Yarn test result is rejected for color due to major thick & thin, excessive dead cotton, we sent to the head office 2 miter fabrics color for taking commercial approval from the merchant, and the white is rejected due to major thick-thin and the yarn contamination in per kg 3.07 pcs

Yarn test result As discussed consider ok only for black color use only lycra fabrics due to major dead cotton & poly contamination per kg 3.27 pcs and white is rejected due to major thick-thin and yarn contamination per kg 6.66 pcs

The yarn test result is rejected for color due to major poly contamination per kg 5 pcs and white is rejected due to major yarn contamination per kg 7.87 pcs

The yarn test result is rejected for color due to major poly contamination per kg 7.85 pcs and white is rejected due to major yarn contamination per kg 7.31 pcs

The yarn test result is rejected for color due to major poly contamination per kg 7.91 pcs and white is rejected due to major yarn contamination per kg 5.21 pcs

Yarn test result As discussed consider ok only for black color use only lycra fabrics due to major thick & thin and dead cotton and poly contamination per kg 2.50 pcs and white is rejected due to major thick-thin and yarn contamination per kg 20.0 pcs

After rechecking Yarn test result is considered ok light and medium color and dark color is rejected due to major dead cotton and poly contamination per kg 3.33 pcs and white is rejected due to major yarn contamination per kg 6.77 pcs

The yarn test result is considered ok for color needs good enzyme in bulk due to major hairiness and white is rejected due to major yarn contamination per kg 14.44 pcs

The yarn test result is considered ok for color and white is rejected due to major yarn contamination in per kg 11.81 pcs

The yarn test result is rejected for color due to major poly contamination per kg 7.91 pcs and white is rejected due to major yarn contamination per kg 5.21 pcs

The yarn test result is rejected for color due to major poly contamination per kg 4.44 pcs and white is rejected due to major yarn contamination per kg 12.22 pcs

The yarn test result is commercially ok for color & poly contamination per kg 2.17 pcs and white is rejected due to major yarn contamination per kg 15.75 pcs

After rechecking the Yarn test result is considered ok for white, pls take the trail batch & after getting the trail report we will decide on bulk production due to the count variation required count 24s/1 but we are getting 23.45s/1 count.

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