Heavy jersey cotton knit fabric

  Heavy jersey cotton knit fabric :

Heavy jersey cotton knit fabric Hello observers, Assalamu Alaikum. Hope you all are well. Due to further gsm, we tell this as heavy jersey. principally we make heavy jersey fabric in coat machine. There are colorful types of the heavy jersey. In the coating machine, there is some hand like 10gg, 12gg, 16gg, 18gg, 20gg, etc. Due to hand variation, we set up different types of gsm and quality. For 10gg we will use double bias yarn and thicker yarn than finer hand 20gg. Due to the thicker hands, their sew will be high. Read further Use of water in cloth https//textileindex.blogspot.com/2022/10/use-of-water-in-textile.htmlToday discussion on 220 gsm heavy jersey. Some people also call this a rear jersey. The description of this fabric is given below the needed range of the fabric is 76-78 inches, the needed yarn count is 30/2 trolled cotton yarn, the Knitting machine is x hand 34 x 20, and products per day will be an average of 350 kg. sew length3.90 for light color and3.95 for dark color To knit this fabric for the bulk product we check the introductory process We knit one cadence fabric and washed it in the laboratory at 40 °C time will be 40 nanoseconds. After that, we checked the loss. We got the below effect. Before marshland dia 90 inches before marshland gsm 195 grams After marshland dia 72 inches After marshland gsm 242 grams Lengthwise loss- 21 and widthwise loss is-4.5. Quality report for light color is as below Finished range 78 Inch Finished gsm 214, Lengthwise loss is-7, widthwise loss is-6, and spirality is4.5. Then we set up average process loss 14. There was also a dark color 09- 090. That result is given below Finished range 77 inches Finished gsm 226( Average) Lengthwise loss-5 Widthwise loss-5 Spirality0.5 This type of fabric has loss high so if we take orders from buyers as per bandy that we need to wash the fabric to reduce loss. If we wash the fabric also it'll not be shrunk after the garments. We can also do s/ j fabric in 12 hands or 14-hand single jersey machines. There are numerous types of stripe yarn be painted

fabric in indirect knit.

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