Physical & chemical properties nylon 6.6 fiber

 Physical & chemical properties nylon 6.6 fiber 

Dear viewer hope that you are well everybody. Today in this blog, I am going to discuss about physical and chemical properties of nylon-6 fiber. 
Structure of molecule: Nylon 6.6 fiber is one kind of polyamide.

Microscopic features:

 a) length of the fiber: This fiber can be gotten as a staple or filament.

b)Cross section: Generally its cross-section is round. It also can be other structures.

c)Color of fiber: White 

d) Reflection to light: More bright, some cases may not be bright.

Physical properties: 

1. Tenacity/Strength: 4.5-8.5 grams per denier. But it can be up to 9 for high tenacity or high strength fiber. 

2. Relative gravity: 1.14

3. Elasticity: More good.

4. Moisture regain capability: 4%

5. Extension at break: Very good extension at the break. 

6. Abrasion resistance: Very good

7. Heat capacity: 150°C

8. Melting point: 250°C

9. Resiliency: Good. This fiber has good crease recovery quality. 

10. Brightness: From bright to light shade. 


Chemical properties of nylon-6.6:

Lets know about the chemical properties of nylon 6 fiber. 

1. Reaction of acid: In strong and concentrated acid fiber be weaker. But weak acid can not harm it. 

2. Reaction of Alkali: This fiber has alkali preventive power. This fiber has no bad effect on alkali.

3. Reaction of organic solvent: Dry cleaning solution never does any harm. Any spot can be removed by the reagent.

4. Reaction of bleaching agent: Chlorine and strong oxidizing bleaching agent can harm this fiber. But normal oxidizing bleaching agent can not harm this fiber. 

5. Dye-ability: This fiber can be dyed by  Direct dye, acid dye, vat dye, disperse dye, basic dye, and metalized dye. 

6. Sunlight protection: More sunlight reduce this fiber's strength. But this fiber has more protection than silk. 

7. sketch protection: Any type of mark of acid and water have good protection. Oily stain also can be removed. 

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