What is shedding, Classification of shedding

What is shedding, Classification of shedding 

The mechanism by which we divide warp yarn into two sets and weft yarn pass through the gap between these two sets is called the shedding. The gap of this gap is named shed. The shape of the shed depends on the weaving machine, shuttle type, yarn type, etc. 

Classification of shedding: Based on the yarn placement we can divide shedding into two categories.

1. Close shed

2. Open shed 

1. Close shedding: In this shedding system one set of warp yarn goes up and another set of warp yarn goes down and after completing the picking both sets of warp yarn come parallel. A close shed has two kinds.

a) Bottom close shedding 

b) Centre close shedding 

2. Open shedding: Open shedding is also divided into two categories.

a) Semi-open shedding 

b) Open shedding 

So there are totally four types of shedding in the loom that I am going to describe below in detail. So stay with the blog reading if you feel good. 

Bottom close shedding: In this type of shedding warp yarn is divided into two sets but their bottom set be static and the top sets of warp yarn go up and come parallel to the bottom set.  We can see this type of shedding in single lift dobby and single lift jacquard.

Center close shedding: Warp yarn becomes divided into two sets one set goes up and another set goes down and makes shedding. This type of shedding is center-close shedding. This type of shed we find in tappet loom, all single lift jacquard. 

Open shedding: Here are two sets of warp yarn that make a static line and without any mechanism, the top warp yarn set go down and down set g up then this type of shedding is called open shedding. This type of shedding can find in ordinary tappet, Knowles dobby, and some jacquard.

Semi-open shedding: In this type of shedding open and close shedding happens at a time. Here static bottom warp set is in a certain position and upper line warp yarn sets come slightly down and again go up. This type of shedding mechanism is used in double lift jacquard and double lift dobby. This type of shedding never be used in tappet.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

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