Yarn count classification

 Yarn count classification details

There are various types of textile fiber in the world. All of these fibers are divided into two classes.

1. Natural fiber &

2. Man-made fiber.

As they are of different sources so their count selection process also varies from each other.

 here are two systems to determine yarn count.
1. Indirect system
2. Direct system.

1. Indirect system: In this system weight is fixed and length is variable.

Here, count =(L/L')÷(W/W')
Here, L=Length of the sample
L'=Unit of length
W=Samples weight
W'=Unit of  weight

There is some count measured in this system: English cotton count, metric count, wooden count, worsted count, and linen count.

Count system    unit length (L')   unit weight
Ne                          840yd                  1 lb
Nm                         1000m                 1kg
Wool                       256yd                  1 lb
Wool                        1 yd                     1 oz
Worsted Nek           560 yd                 1 lb
Linen Mel                300                        1lb

2. Direct system: In this system length is fixed and weight is variable.
We know direct count=(W/W')÷(L/L')

Count system    unit length( L')        unit weight
Denier                  9000m                    gram
Tex                        1000m                    gram
Dtex                      10000m                  gram
Ktex                      1000m                    kg
Mtex                     1000m                    mg
Jute                       14400yd                 lbs


Some definition :

English count / Cotton count: Number of hanks in one pound (lb).

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