Spandex fibers physical properties

  Spandex fiber's physical properties:

Now-a-days spandex is mostly used in some necessary textile products. Spandex fiber has some important physical properties and chemical properties. In this blog, I will discuss the physical properties of spandex fiber. Below are mentioned physical properties of spandex fiber. 

1. Strength: Less strength, 0.7 gram/denier

2. Stretch and elasticity: It has an excellent elasticity. Elongation at break is 500%. If we expand by 2% then we can recover it 100%.

3. Toughness index: 2.55

4. Elastic Multiplicy: 0.007 to 0.020 gram/denier

5. Resiliency: It has excellent resiliency. It also has good flexibility. 

6. Abrasion resistance: Very good. 

7. Volume: never be shrunk in water but at high temperature, it can be shrunk. 

8. Moisture regain: This fiber moisture regain is 0.6%.

9. Relative humidity: 1.21-1.35

10. Heat resistance: This fiber's heat resistance is not good.

11. Lusture: not more lusture. 


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