Marker in textile

 Marker in textile

Hello viewers, hope you all are well. Today I have come to discuss marker making method's purpose and efficiency.

Marker is one kind of paper on which all various sizes and necessary parts are drawn on a newsprint or white paper manually or by computer. The patterns are drawn on paper as like as that we can reduce the wastage of fabrics. Although we try to reduce waste but also there some wastage. 100% cutting utilization is not possible because a garment of a human body is not square or not rectangular. There are some parts that are bent. The width of the marker should be less than the width of the fabric. The length of the marker depends on the number of garments part we want to cut. There must be a need for an experienced marker man to make a good marker. First, we need to set big patterns on marker paper and then small patterns need to use in the gaps. As a result, it helps to increase utilization and can get maximum utilize%.

Objectives of marker making:

1. Less use of fabric in cutting and making more quantity of garments by utilizing and transforming the industry into a profitable Organization.

2. To calculate the total quantity of the fabric that needs to make a certain number of garments.

3. It helps to cut a huge number of fabric parts in a certain time.

4. Marker making helps by some number of people we can cut more fabrics part.

5. To confirm maximum utilization of fabric.

6. To cut fabrics smoothly by a standard pattern of the garments.

7. It helps to make a proper production plan by calculating of fabric area.

The efficiency of marker making:

In a certain area of the fabric, there are some patterns adjusted. The adjusted patterns area percentage to the total area of the marker is called the efficiency of the marker. Suppose that, the total market area is 100 square inches and the various types of pattern areas are 80%. That means the marker efficiency is 80%. The more efficient of marker the less wastage of fabric. That means it will need a less quantity of fabric to make a certain number of garments. The definite percentage of increase in marker efficiency is added to the income of the industry. To increase the marker efficiency need a perfect marker man. Due to this reason, we need to increase the marker efficiency. It is very necessary to calculate marker efficiency instantly when we make a marker.

The factor of marker efficiency :

Marker efficiency is an important matter for the textile industry. It helps to increase the income of a factory with its marker efficiency increase instantly. Increasing the marker efficiency of garments depends on directly or indirectly on the below points.

1. Marker maker: Marker efficiency depends on the efficiency of the marker man's working efficiency, honesty, technical knowledge, practical experience, and innovation. The more number we make a marker we get more marker efficiency.

2. Size of the garments: During the making of a garment if there are a maximum number of patterns so there marker efficiency will be more.

3. Length of the marker: Marker length depends on some factors. If marker lengths be more then we can get more efficiency of the marker. As a result cutting room production also increase. But if the marker length is more excessive then it will be the exception.

4. Pattern engineering: Pattern engineering can help to increase the efficiency of markers. We can change a pattern design or can divide a pattern into two-part and also can cut a small part of a pattern which also increases marker efficiency.

5. Fabric characteristics: There are some fabrics that have the same looks on both sides. These fabrics are called as symmetrical. These types of fabric cutting efficiency will be more. For example, we can say about interlock fabrics. In the case of Asymmetrical fabric, we will get less efficiency than symmetrical fabrics. There are also some reasons for less marker efficiency due to match check and stripe.

6. Methods of marker making: There are two processes of marker making. They are-

1. Manual method and

2. Computer method.

Computer method marker efficiency is better than the manual method. Computer methods also take less time than manual methods.

7. Marker width: Marker width depend on the width of the fabric. In some experiments, we can know that if the marker width is more then we can plan easily to set patterns and can utilize more. It also saves time. If the marker width is then it will reduce wastage also.

8. Nature of garments: There are some garments that have big parts there is also lower efficiency of marker making due to big pattern adjustments being too tough than a small pattern. For example, we can say about Women's Slacks, overcoats, etc.

Marker making is the process of creating a layout of pattern pieces on marker paper or a computer-aided design (CAD) software program in order to cut out the pieces for a garment. The purpose of marker-making is to achieve maximum fabric utilization and efficiency, while also ensuring that the pattern pieces are laid out in the correct orientation and direction.

The following are some methods used for marker-making purposes and efficiency:

Fabric Width: The width of the fabric being used is an important factor to consider when creating a marker. To ensure maximum fabric utilization, the marker should be designed to use as much of the fabric width as possible.

Pattern Matching: Pattern matching is the process of ensuring that the pattern pieces are laid out in the correct orientation and direction so that they match up correctly when sewn together. To achieve this, the marker must be carefully planned to ensure that all pattern pieces are aligned correctly.

Nesting: Nesting is the process of arranging the pattern pieces on marker paper or CAD software in a way that minimizes the amount of fabric waste. This involves placing the pattern pieces as close together as possible, while still allowing enough space between them to ensure that they can be cut out without overlapping.

Size and Quantity: The size and quantity of garments being produced will also affect the marker-making process. A larger quantity of garments will require a more efficient marker to ensure maximum fabric utilization, while a smaller quantity may allow for a less efficient marker.

Fabric Properties: The properties of the fabric being used can also affect the marker-making process. For example, fabrics with a directional pattern will require more careful planning to ensure that the pattern pieces are laid out in the correct orientation.

Overall, the method of marker making is important for achieving maximum fabric utilization and efficiency and involves careful planning and consideration of various factors such as fabric width, pattern matching, nesting, size and quantity, and fabric properties

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