Electric shock first aid procedures

  Electric shock first aid procedures:

First aid is not the main treatment of any industrial obstacles but it helps to get a chances to take the actual treatments and makes life safe. So we should also take the actual and sufficient and efficient treatment after first aid. 

If anybody get electric shock need to remove from shocked area : 

1. First of all need to off the electric switch and then plug out . 

2. If it is not possible then stand on a dry wooden material and then use a wooden stick and plastic stick to remove the people from the shocked electric point.

3. You can use hand gloves to remove from electric point. 

4. If you have not any of above materials and if you have a dry rope you can use that to tie the shocked man/women and can remove from electric shocked area. 

After that we need to try as below :

Have to breathing: Keep your hand on the shocked peoples fourhead and make head angle to under. Then up the lower jaw.

Respiration process: Please check the respiration that he is alive or not. If alive follow the upper abdomen and heart side. Need to check the sound of respiration and check it by your chick. 

Rescue and try to resume the respiration process.  

If the shocked people have normal and natural breath then give him nursing . 

1. Keep him laid down and keep straight . Straight position need to press 4-5 times pressure on the chest then stop .

2. Again press 100 times / minutes. 

3. After 30 times pressure need to stop and and keep presssure on nose and open his mouth. Use your mouth in victims mouth and flow air to his mouth and then follow the chest have any change or not like up and down. 

4. Again press 30 times and continue this up to  you not get a doctor near you. 


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