This is one kind of natural fiber of textile . The mentioned fiber named as flax or linen . Some times we called it as bast fiber . We also one kind of oil in Bangladesh that named as Tisi Oil is also made from this seeds. This is also called as flax & its fiber are called as flax fiber . Tisi oil is made from this seeds so it is called as Linseed plant. The fiber that produced from this plant is linen fiber . Most riches are used this fiber fabric from a long time before . Linen fiber is most soft & ice cool feeling so everybody likes this type of fabric . Due to its moisture regain properties this fabric feel to much ice cool than cotton . This fiber moisture regain is 12% . Heat transfer & temperature resistance is more so we use it also in summer season also. Now also linen fabric is costly . Water absobency of linen fiber is more so we use its towel . This fabric does not absorb dust more so after wash it be clean easily . We can wash this type of fabric again and again . As per botany this is of Linum Usitatissiaum species . Mostly cultivated countries are Australia , Austria , France , Germany , Holland , Newzeland , Poland , Scottland , Russia , Ayerland , Checoslaviya . Russia cultivate various types of  linen fiber. Out of these countries also cultivate in Canada & United States also . Bangladesh basically cultivate for oil only. For flax or linen fiber cultivate it is necessary to use flat land & need good cool & moisture .  Flax seeds need to  sowed in April / May. After seedlings within three months it grows up to 2-4 feet . This time flax has blue color flower & this time need to cut & we can get good soft fiber . In the month of August we can cut & retting in pond water or river water . 

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