What is the importance of fabric testing

 What is the importance of fabric testing

It is impossible to think of a single day without clothes. Fabric is the most important raw material for garments. And garment is the most important element of our life. As per human basic rights, this is the second sector of the basic right. But also we can say that we can survive someday without food but without fabric/garment single day is impossible. To be safe from shame and obstacles of a bad environment we need fabric or garments.  Without these common uses also use in industry, and war, astronauts of spaceships also use special fabric.  This individual fabric has a special quality to fulfill a specific purpose so we need to test the fabric. 

Different quality for fabric : 

To perform a test of the fabric it needs to do conditioning in a standard testing atmosphere. Standard atmosphere means 27°C+/-2°C temperature and Relative humidity 65+/-2%. Generally, we measure the below parameter for the fabric test. 

1. Dimensional characteristics

  a) Length 


c) Thickness 

2. Threads per inch: 

a) Ends per inch 

b)Pics per inch

3. yarn count: Need to find out 

a)Warp count 

b)Weft count 

4. Weight of the fabric ;

a)Weight per unit area 

b) Weight per unit length

5. Crimp: 

a)Warp crimp

b) Weft crimp

6. Strength and extensibility

a)Tensile strength

b)Tearing strength

c)Bursting strength 

7. Handle:

a) Stiffness

b) Drape

8. Crease resistance and crease recovery

9. Air permeability

10. Abrasion resistance

11. Shrinkage test

12. Different fastness test

13. Water resistance and absorption test

To get approval from buyer we need to test fabrics . Buyers always gives approval under standard testing methods. Buyer to buyer testing methods different. This is undeniable because of it has some benefit. It helps to minimize the quality problems and  help to understand the quality of the fabric . 

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