Fabrics length measurement

Fabrics length measurement

Fabric length denotes the length of the through the selvage of the fabric from one side to another side. Generally, we measure the length of the fabric in yards or meters. To measure the length of the fabric there are three methods which I am going to describe below that ISI proposed: 

1. Measuring table 

2. Measuring machine 

3. Measuring scale 

1. Measuring table use: 

In this method, we use a table to measure the length of the fabric. The table which is used here is called the measuring table. This is one kind of table that can cover the full width of the fabric and we mark after every five yards. After that, the fabric is kept in standard weather for 24 hours and we measure again. If the second measurement is less than the previous measurement like 0.25% less that means the second measurement is right. If we do not get this type of difference then we again condition the fabric and take measurements. Until we get this 0.25% difference between the previous and next two measurements we need to continue this process and get the final result. 

2. Measuring scale : 

Basically, this is also a flat table where the length is more than five-meter and the table width is adjustable. there is a scale that is sketched in meters and centimeters. The fabric we need to test stretches from one end to the other end. The fabrics on the table must be creaseless. Fabrics tension should be like that the tension keeps the fabric parallel on the table.  After that based on the scale's length and start measuring from the one end and mark  1, 2, or 3 meters after full fabric. 

3. Measuring machine: 

Here we use a measuring machine. This measuring machine's name is Trumeter. In this machine, the fabric is passed through the double roller and due to the friction of the roller, a counter reader shows the reading how much fabric passes through the double roller. This reading is the length of the fabrics. The measuring machine also has three methods. 

a) Drum method

b) Folding method

c) Clack method

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