WEAVING : Weaving is a one kind of process that where two sets of yarn use to make wearable fabric by the interlacement of warp & weft yarn . Those products are made is called as called as fabric . 

The process that performs by a machine to produce fabric is called as loom . 

The word loom comes from the Anglo Saxon word Glome . That is also called as weaving machine .

The history of Loom: This is very hard to say the correct day that which date the loom/weaving . 

but we can say that the Misor is the first country those who make weaving machine for the first time . The first net was produced for the first time before 7000 christ . Before christ 4000 year there were invented silk . In the origin & so on European also make fabric in a special process by throughing shuttle . In 1733 Mr. Zonki invent a process to make fabric by weaving process that he make two box that had a motion to through shuttle rapidly  from one box to another box . This is the rapid process than that time . Human demands changes day by day . Due to increase the huge population of the world it is necessary to increase production . To increase the production they make warp yarn into two sets to make shade & through the shuttle through the shade. This process is called as Pit loom with through shuttle . In this weaving process weavers use to through by hand . Moslin , Zamdani & Benaroshi sharies are made by the process . In this new age Bangladesh & India woven fabric makes by  this process.  From shreerampur of India this kind of loom comes here in Bangladesh . The loom that made by hand is called Hand loom . This type of machine is made by wood . This type of loom is also called as frame loom . 

hand Loom classification : 

There are three kinds of hand loom . They aregiven below : 

1. Primitive loom ,

2.Fly shuttle loom ,

3. Semi -Automatic loom .

Fly shuttle loom again divided into two types > 

1. pit loom ,

2. Frame loom . 

Semi automatic loom also divided into three kinds of loom  : 

1.chittaranjan loom , 

2. Salvation army loom ,

3.Hattersely loom. 


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