Shuttle loom and Shuttleless loom

  Shuttle loom and Shuttleless loom 

Dear viewer hopes you are well today. Today I am going to discuss the comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of shuttle loom and shuttleless loom. 

Advantages of shuttle loom: 

1. Continuous weft yarn supply for double-pick interwoven selvage fabric and have no alternative way than shuttle loom. 

2. Moslin, Jamdani types smooth fabric is the benefit of the shuttle loom. 

3. Shuttle loom price is not more than a modern loom. 

Disadvantages of shuttle loom: 

1. Weft package is small so we need to change it frequently. Weft winding tension start to end 25-150g. 

2. Picking and shuttle motion control is very tough. 

3. Due to more sound it affects our listening of ear and pressure on our nerves. 

4. If shuttle traps then fabrics can be damaged.

5. Temperature and moisture affect some parts. 

6. If we increase looms speed can increase shuttle traps.  If we reduce the weight of a shuttle and increase the speed then we need to keep the weft package small. For this reason, we can not get the benefit of the increased speed of the loom. 

7. If we use a big-size weft package then we need to increase the size of the shuttle then we need a hard sley sword, hard frame efficient shuttle speed control, and a positively controlled heald shaft system. 

8. Shuttle loom speed is less than a modern loom. Modern loom speed is 550 meters/ minute whereas shuttle loom speed is 350 meters/minute. 

9. The product quality is not good as the modern loom. 

10. The electricity cost and production cost is high. 

11. The big size and heavy-weight shuttle picking is the disadvantage and the parts are more wear and tear. Sometimes can happen major accidents due to shuttle fly. 

12. In the automatic loom needs to change the bobbin frequently. 

1. It is necessary to keep the shade height at 2.5 inches so that the shuttle can easily move. Due to this, the warp yarn has more strain. 

Shuttleless loom or Modern loom: 

The advantages of a shuttleless loom are given below: 

1. The big-size package like cones and cheese are used in modern looms so have no need to use pirn winding. 

2. Generally, 8-9 pound yarn packages are used to supply weft yarn so it takes time to finish. 

3. By the use of a graduated wheel we can do an interconnected mechanism. 

4. Cam-operated beat-up systems are used. 

5. Automatic centralized lubrication systems are in use. 

6. It can give 40% more production than an automatic loom. 

7. Supervising work pressure is 50% less than the shuttle loom. 

8. Maintenance cost is 70% less than a shuttle loom. 

9. Electricity cost is the less and soundless loom. 

10. It can be patterned up to 12-14 colors of yarn. 

Modern looms dis advantages: 

1. Due to one-sided picking can not be able to make conventional selvage.

2. Modern loom price is more so the primary cost is very high. 

3. In the water jet loom it is difficult to weft control in the machine. Need to depend on water absorbency and for that reason, the limited number of fabrics can be done in this loom. 

4. Per centimeter needs a minimum 7.5 twist and needs to use high-quality size material. 

5. Due to more speed the warp and weft breakage is more. 


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