Application of acid dye on Jute , Nylon and Acrylic fiber

  Application of acid dye on Jute, Nylon, and Acrylic fiber:

Acid dye: Nicolas first invented Acid dye in 1962. The sodium salt of organic acid is called Acid dye. The acid dye can be used in the condition of organic acid or mineral acid medium. Acid dye has Anion. The Anion of acid dye is an active color component so it is called the Acid dye.

Maximum acid dyes are sulphonic acid and sodium salt and sometimes we can get also sodium salt of carboxylic acid. This type of dye has an attraction to acid dye and protein fiber. For that reason, milk and other protein and polyamide fiber can be easily dyed.

Preparation of Acid dye solution: First of all, we need to take acid dye and mix it with some water and ionic or no-ionic wetting agent to make a color paste. Then need boiled water to it up to get a clear and perfect dye solution.


Application of acid dye on jute fiber:

It can be easily dyed with acid dye. The recipe is given below:


Acid dyestuff: 1-3% based on the weight of the fabric

Acetic acid / Ethanoic acid: 2-3% based on the weight of the fabric.

Water: 20-30 times based on the product weight.

Temperature: 90-99°C

Time: 60-90 minutes. 

Dyeing process: First of all need to take acid dye in a pot and mix some water and make a paste. Then need to mix acetic acid and mix up well and make a color paste. Then in the dye bath, we take sufficient water and then add the color paste to it and again mix it well. Then apply heat and rise the temperature up to 60°C and sample fabric and add to the dye bathe. Then we again rise the temperature up to 90-95°C and continue dyeing for at least one hour. After dyeing, we need to wash the sample in cold water, and then 2% soaping water needs 50°C temperature 30 minutes reaction and then cold wash to make it clear.


Application of acid dye on nylon fiber :

We know that polyamide fiber can be dyed with acid dye. Below I am giving the recipe for this.

Recipe: Acid dyestuff: 2-3% based on the weight of the fabric

Ammonium Acetate: 3% based on the weight of the fabric

Wetting agent: 0.1%-0.5% based on the weight of the fabric

Water: 40 times than the fabric weight

Temperature: 60°C-100°C

Time: 45-90 minutes

Dyeing process: First we need to mix dye stuff in some water then add a Wetting agent and make a paste. After that use some boiled water in that paste to dissolve the dyestuff in the water. After that, another dye bath needs to take 40 times more water than the weight of the fabric and there needs to add a color solution and after that add ammonium acetate. Then we enter nylon fabric into the dye bath and slowly increase the temperature up to 90°C. At this temperature, we need to dye the fabric for 45-90 minutes. After that need to wash the fabric very well. For treatment, we need to use a 2% soaping agent with water and wash the fabric after dyeing.


Acid dyes application on Acrylic fiber:

Acrylic fiber must be made from 85-90% Poly acrylonitrile and the best part is 10-15% copolymer. This dye generally dyes fabric under 100°C temperature. Co-polymer generally shows an acidic group but in the polymerization process shows a strong acidic group due to the use of a catalyst. Due to this acrylic fiber be cationic. Cationic Acrylic fiber is helpful for solar power, and weather and mildew protection is good. This also has bulk resistance is good, crease recovery is good and a soft handle also. This fiber heat-conserving capacity is good so it is compared with silk fiber.


Acid dyestuff: 2-5% based on the weight of the fabric

Ammonium acetate: 3% based on the weight of the fabric

Formic acid: 3% based on the weight of the fabric

Wetting agent: 0.2%-0.5% based on the weight of the fabric

Water: 40 times

Temperature: 80-100°C

Time: 45-90 minutes

Dyeing process: First of all need to add dyestuff in some water and a wetting agent to make a paste then we need to add some hot water to make a dye solution to dissolve the dyestuff. Other dye baths need to take 40 times more water than fabric weight. Previously made dye solution needs to add to the dye bath and need to add ammonium acetate and move the solution to make the perfect solution. At last, need to add formic acid to the dye bath and then add Acrylic fiber. After the fabric enter needs to dilute slowly and rise temperature up to 100°C and needs to dye in 45-90 minutes.    

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