An introduction of cellulose Acetate rayon

 An introduction of cellulose Acetate fiber :

Definition: Cellulose acetate fiber is the manufactured fiber whereas the fiber-forming substance is cellulose acetate. where not less than 92% of the hydroxyl groups are acetylated, the term tri acetate is used as a generic description. 

Viscose rayon and cellulose acetate fiber difference: Viscose rayon and cellulose acetate rayon both are made from cellulose. But viscose rayon is genuine cellulose that changes its state but the main element is cellulose. On the contrary cellulose acetate fiber is a chemical compound of cellulose and here different kinds of cellulose are mixed. Cellulose acetate has its own characteristics and even different types of cellulose acetate have individual characteristics. Cellulose acetate fiber strength is less than viscose rayon and also less than all fiber.

History of cellulose acetate fiber: During the 1st world war Two British scientists invent flammable coating liquor to save airplanes from fire. In 1918 they invented the technique to produce this fiber and its spinning. First Celanese ltd and then Celanese co. of America commercially produce this fiber and they use the Celanese trademark. In 1952 FTC declare the rule of this fiber name as  Acetate. In 1954 America invent a specific acetate fiber that is fully different. This fiber was named Cellulose triacetate. 

Raw materials for cellulose acetate :

1. Cotton linters or wood pulp 

2. Glacial acetic acid 

3. Acetic anhydride 

4. Sulphuric Acid 

5. Titanium dioxide

6. Dyestuff 

Cellulose acetate fiber making flow chart :  

Process 1: Cotton linters or wood pulp 

Process 2: Pretreatment 

Process 3: Acetylation 

process 4: Hydrolysis 

Process 5: Dope 

Process 6: Spinning 


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