Weaving definition & weaving statement, Historical development of loom

 Weaving definition & weaving statement, Historical development of loom :

Weaving definition: generally, we make yarn from fiber in various ways. After making yarn we use that yarn to make fabric. In the woven industry, we use two sets of yarn named warp and weft yarn. By the interlacement of these yarns which fabric is made for use by humans that process is called weaving. The product that is produced is called fabric.

Statement of the loom: The machine that has two sets of yarn that are arranged horizontally and vertically and after interlacement make the fabric is called the loom. The word '' Loom'' comes from the Anglo-Saxon word ''Gome''. The meaning of Gome means the weaving machine. 

The historical development of the loom: 

The starting date of weaving is also now unknown to all of us. But is assumed that the Misor civilization started first weaving. Egyptians first invent the net in 7000 BC.  There was the use of silk in 4000 BC. In ancient times in Europe and even in our country people used reedless looms which used to hand shuttle. At that time fly shuttles or other kinds of the loom were not in our countries. In 1733 one European named Jonkey invent a picking system and make a shuttle to go both sides of the loom. And this gives a motion in the loom. As a result, weavers get speed in making fabric. So they did not need to use their hand but use a picker. The era changes and the demand for loom increases. The huge population of the world needs to increase the production of looms. Then used to make warp yarn in two sets and by stick weft yarn is passes through the shade and makes fabric. This process is called pit loom with trough shuttle. The weavers are in a pit so it is named a pit loom. The finest fabric like Moslin, Jamdani, Banarosi, etc is produced by this loom. Mr. Denish bring a loom to Shree Rampur of India and there the weavers be motivated and used this loom. From Shree Rampur in our country, this loom expand a huge production area and we named this fly shuttle Shree Rampur.


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  • Hafiz
    Hafiz May 10, 2022 at 3:24 PM


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