Polyester dyeing process Part -1 / Carrier dyeing method

  Polyester dyeing process / Carrier dyeing method 

Polyester & all blended fabric that contains polyester, there polyester dyeing can be necessary. By disperse dye we can dye polyester and its blend in below three ways. 

1. Carrier dyeing process ( at 80°C-90°C boiling  )

2.High temperature and pressure dyeing process (120°C -130°C)

3. Thermosoling  dyeing process 

Now in this blog, I am going to discuss about carrier dyeing process for polyester dyeing. 

Carrier dyeing process : 

Carrier dyeing process recipe is below : 

Recipe : 

Disperse dye ...............    2-3% based on fabric weight 

Ammonium ...................1-2 gram / liter

carrier     ....................   2-3 gram / Liter

Dispersing agent .........  2-3 gram / Liter 

Time ............................. 1 hour 

Temperature ..................100°C 

Material & liquor ratio .......1 : 30

Acetic acid ..................... as per necessity 

Process : At first we take color in a pot and mix disperse dye with water that much necessary  to make solution .In another pot based on fabric weight we take 1: 30 water  in a pot and add there Ammonium sulphate , dispersing agent and carrier and temperature rise up to 60°C . Then we add fabric in this mixed pot and treat up to 15 minutes . After that we add dye solution and control pH 4-5 by using acetic acid . Then we continue dyeing this state  for 30 minutes and  after that increase temperature gradually and rise temperature up to 100°C and more 30-45 minutes need to dye . After that we pick the fabric from dye bath and wash it properly . In this state here will also be some carrier in fabric which need to clear by reduction clear . 

Reduction clear recipe :

NaOH (Caustic soda ) ............2-3% Based on fabric weight 

Sodium Hydrosulphite (Na2S20O4).........2-3% based on the fabric weight 

Temperature ..........................................100°C 

Material liquor ratio.............................1:20

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